Make the Most of Serendipity Day … Celebrate Life’s Unexpected Pleasures

Happy Serendipity Day! Well, actually it’s tomorrow, August 18, but I’m posting early in case you want to wrap your head around it. The purpose of this whimsical holiday is quite simple; it encourages us to block out the distressing rhetoric swirling all around, and at least for one day, embrace the positive happenings right in front of us and celebrate the gifts of everyday life that we so often miss! Goodness knows we can all use a break from the non-stop negativity; so, count me in!

Of course, for me it’s not much of a stretch. I’m a huge believer in the joy of serendipity. From the first time I heard the word, I loved it. I remember my delight in finally having a term to describe those magical moments when something completely unexpected brightened my day. And that was well before Serendipity, the movie, introduced me to the over-the-top ice cream parlor in NYC that bears the same name. Let’s just say that cemented my love affair with the quirky word.

To that point, I can’t believe I’m just now learning of this holiday. Especially since we owned a home and gift boutique for seven years, not so coincidentally named: Serendipity! Home and Gifts. Our spin on the serendipity sentiment was that we were the place where you were likely to find something wonderful that you didn’t know you were looking for. We routinely jumped at any opportunity to host some sort of event or celebration to bring in business, so I can’t believe we missed out on such an obvious one for all those years.

I’m sure everyone has their favorite serendipitous moment. One of my special ones was at Charles de Gaulle airport after I missed a connecting flight home. It had been such a long week and I remember my heart sinking when I finally found the customer service desk and saw the line wrapped around the corner. As I made my way to the end, standing there just as flustered as me, was a friend from college that I hadn’t seen in over twenty-five years. Needless to say, our moods changed in that instant; missing our flights went from annoying to…well, to a little less annoying. That’s just one example; I’ve had so many over the years. Even the most trivial serendipitous events can make my day. Last week at the grocery store I had coffee creamer on my list and I noticed a coupon stuck beside a bottle of my favorite brand. It was a BOGO, so I got one for free. Thank you, thoughtful person!

But the most powerful ones have been when serendipity intersected with divine intervention. Some people believe in neither; I happen to believe in both. Years ago, when I worked in Georgetown, I was walking back to the hotel from a client meeting and spotted a former co-worker standing on the curb at a busy intersection waiting for the light to change. I called out to her and she stepped back to where I was standing on the sidewalk and gave me a hug. We hadn’t seen each other in a while so we decided to grab a bite and catch up. Running into an old friend in some random place is the type of serendipitous experience people have every day. But as we turned to walk away, a taxi took the corner too fast and jumped the curb, hitting two people that had taken her place on the edge of that very curb. I still get chills thinking about it (and I’ve stopped standing on the curb at an intersection, I can promise you that). Of course, you never know for sure what happens to people, but there was a doctor on the scene and the rescue squad was quick to arrive, so, I’ve always tried to keep a positive thought that they were both okay. One thing for sure, that moment went from serendipity to something much, much more very quickly.

Wow, I didn’t mean to take this to such a somber place. It’s not my only story like that but for the sake of keeping it light, let’s just stick to basic serendipity without the life or death implications. To celebrate this day, you have permission to embrace the magic of the happy accidents (no pun intended) or pleasant surprises happening all around. You may need to be more mindful because the thing about serendipity is, you often have to be paying attention to notice it. I also think it helps to be a bit of a wanderer. But, if for some reason you don’t find your serendipity on this special day, nothing says you can’t celebrate the holiday by creating it for someone else. Pay for the order behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru, or drop a $5 bill in the parking lot for someone to find, or leave some flowers from your garden at a neighbor’s mailbox. Use your imagination.

Serendipity Day isn’t going to save the world. But even if it just lifts our heart or makes us smile for a moment, isn’t that something we need more than ever these days?

2 Replies to “Make the Most of Serendipity Day … Celebrate Life’s Unexpected Pleasures”

  1. I am now planning to drop$5 in a parking lot near a place that children might find it…a pet store perhaps.
    Getting this idea was serendipitous.

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